Behavior Contract and Expectations

We are glad you have chosen to attend Mile High this year! Camp life offers many unique opportunities and experiences for you and your fellow campers. We hope you make new friends, learn a lot, and have a great time!

At Mile High Camp we expect campers, volunteers, HTC and NHF staff to encourage, support, and show respect toward one another. Each person at camp has a responsibility to make camp life positive and enjoyable. We expect all campers to follow the behavior expectations outlined below.

You will be required to sign this document during the application process for camp.


Behavior Expectations:

1.         Camp is about fun, exploration and growth. Respect for all in this process is the basic expectation.

2.         Campers will always treat everyone in the camp community with respect and show respect for others’ personal belongings, privacy, and feelings.

3.         Campers will remain with their counselors, follow directions, and abide by camp rules.

4.         Campers will not be involved with smoking, alcohol use, illegal drugs, weapons, vandalism, theft, or any other illegal behavior.

5.         Campers will use appropriate language; profanity will not be tolerated.

6.         Campers will remain in camp unless on an escorted approved camp activity or for a medical emergency that requires transportation to an outside medical facility.

7.         Campers will respect the camp facility and its equipment. Campers will be responsible for all damage due to negligence or intentional vandalism.

8.         Respect the animals and plant life on the Mile High Summer Camp grounds and wherever camp activities take place and hike only on designated hiking trails.

9.         Shirts and shoes or sandals are required to be worn at all meals in the dining hall.

10.      Immediately report bleeds, cuts, scrapes and other injuries requiring medical attention to the staff nurse or doctor.

11.      Campers will wear appropriate clothes at ALL times.

12.      All campers are to be in their assigned cabins and quiet at lights out.

13.      COVID guidelines outlined by Chapter and camp representatives will be followed at all times, most notably with regard to social distancing and mask wearing as deemed necessary.


Mile High Summer Camp has a NO TOLERANCE POLICY for violence, aggression, and threatening language. Under the circumstances below, campers will be removed from camp immediately, with the potential for this removal to be extended to camp in future years or indefinitely.


Unacceptable Behaviors:

1.      Discrimination of another camper/staff member based on race, sexual orientation, religion, age, gender identification, national origin, or handicap

2.      Physical fighting or violence toward another camper or staff member

3.      Use/possession of illegal substances or materials intended for the use of illegal substances (drugs, alcohol, tobacco, etc.)

4.      Leaving camp without permission

5.      Insubordination

6.      Verbal misconduct toward another child or staff member

7.      Possession of firearms or weapons of any kind

8.      The use of obscene, profane, or vulgar language

9.      Any action that puts the safety of themselves, fellow campers, or staff at risk

10.   Secretly recording or photographing any individual at camp

11.   Bullying behavior intended to intimidate, humiliate, demean, harass, or embarrass campers or staff

12.   Inappropriate physical contact with other campers and staff

a.     Playing rough (wrestling)

b.    Picking another child up against their consent (unless for medical or safety purposes)

c.     Pulling arms, pinching, hitting

d.    Swinging another child by the arms or legs

e.     Forcing a hug

f.      Allowing another camper to lie in bed with them

g.    Back rubs

h.     Kissing another child or staff member anywhere on the face or body


Disciplinary Process for Violating Behavior Contract:

1.      Discussion between camper and counselor over the inappropriate actions and define set goals and objectives to move forward.

2.      The Camp Director and leadership team will meet individually with the counselor and camper to turn the verbal goals and objectives into a documented Camper Improvement Plan.

3.      The camper and Camp Director will sign the plan.

4.      Campers’ guardians will be notified of the Camper Improvement Plan.

5.      If the camper does not agree to the plan, they will be immediately dismissed from Mile High Camp.


If the Camper Improvement Plan is violated:

1.      Upon notification of continued wrongful behavior, Mile High Leadership will be notified and required to immediately convene.

2.      The probation plan will be void, and immediate dismissal will be necessary.

3.      All accounts of the behavior will be documented on a Mile High Camp Incident Report Form.

4.      The decision will be explained to the camper in private, with all leadership team members present.

5.      The camper will be escorted to their cabin to pack their belongings (no other campers will be present).

6.      Campers’ guardians will be notified to remove camper from the premises within 24 hours.


NHF Colorado Chapter and the University of Colorado HTC respect all forms of gender expression and identity and will work with all families to ensure Mile High Summer Camp is a positive experience for all campers.



In order to protect the privacy of all campers and to ensure children are not exposed to age-inappropriate material, Mile High Summer Camp will be strictly prohibiting all campers from possessing any electronic devices for the entire duration of camp. Any camper caught violating this policy will have their device removed from their possession and secured in the camp office until the last day of camp. If you feel it is absolutely necessary to send a phone with your child to camp, it must be turned in at registration where it will be labeled with the camper’s name and kept with the camp staff until the last day of camp. Under no circumstances will the camper be permitted to keep the device with them.

We believe that being at camp is an opportunity for your child to experience newfound independence and experience “letting go.” “Letting go” allows children to develop autonomy, independence, and a stronger sense of self. It allows them to make new friends, take responsibility for themselves and their bunkmates, problem solve, and mature a bit. This also provides an environment that is distraction-free, so that all campers can experience the majesty of the Rocky Mountains and be fully present in all camp activities. 

Neither the National Hemophilia Foundation, Colorado Chapter, Easter Seals Colorado-Rocky Mountain Village, nor Hemophilia and Thrombosis Center at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus will be responsible for any damages incurred to electronic devices, either within or outside of our possession.    

Devices that are NOT allowed:


·       ELECTRONIC MUSIC DEVICES, iPods, MP3 players: Campers are not permitted to have these, or similar devices, at camp.

·       Apple watches, Fitbits, Garmin watches: Campers are not permitted to have these, or similar devices, at camp

·       GAMEBOYs, PSPs, NINTENDO DS: Campers are not permitted to have these, or similar electronic hand-held game devices, at camp.

·       LAPTOPS, NETBOOKS, iPADS, KINDLES, NOOKS: Campers are not permitted to have these, or similar electronic devices, at camp.

·       If there is any question about this policy or about a specific device parents are encouraged to have detailed conversations with camp organizers in advance to ensure compliance.

Resource Links

13199 E Montview Blvd
STE 200
Aurora, CO 80045

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