The Hemo Games© is a combination Amazing Race/Scavenger Hunt that awards points for active participation and skill throughout the conference. Participation is voluntary. One grand prize will be awarded to the family with the most total points at the finish line 12:00PM Sunday, March 24.

Points awarded as follows:

  • Conference registration prior to 3/16 = 10 points
  • Completed exhibit passport = 25 points (all exhibitor-issued stickers worth an additional 1 point each)
  • Program welcome = 10 points; 3/23 all session 9:30 = 35 points
  • Breakout session 1 10:30 = 25 points max
  • All Session 12:30 = 35 points; Breakout session 2 1:30 = 50 points max
  • Breakout Session 3 2:45 = 25 points max
  • Enter dance contest 4:45 (1 entry per family) = 5 points
  • Finalist in dance contest = 3 points; winner dance contest = 2 points
  • Science Fair Exhibit = 5 points
  • Breakout session 3/24 9:30 = 25 points

10-point max bonus awarded for attendance min 5 sessions (dance contest not a session).

Optional bonus points: Take a photo of yourself at the conference, post on your Facebook page and @ mention the Chapter with comment about your favorite thing at the conference so far. Must be verified by 9PM on 3/23 = 1 point, one per family. Enroll in PT Motion Lab Study =2 points max.

Optional purchase of bonus points: Donations of $25 made to the chapter website between 4PM March 22 and 10PM March 23 will be eligible for the following award of 5 bonus points max. Donations of larger amounts will not result in additional points; donations of smaller amounts will not qualify. One per family.

One passport per household, households determined by registration; cannot be combined. Adults only can represent the family in sessions due to concurrent teen and youth programming. Household members cannot split up and receive full point value for concurrent sessions – points will only be awarded in one category per time. Youth can represent the family in the Science Fair, Dance Contest, or PT Motion Lab Study. Exhibit passports must be turned in by 9:15AM Sunday, March 24; Session Passports must be turned in between 10:30-10:45AM on Sunday, March 24.

In the event of a tie, all families who are tied for the lead will nominate one representative to come to the stage and compete in a Chapter trivia contest. Representatives will sit with back to the audience and will be given paper to write their answer to 5 questions; correct answers will receive 5 points, incorrect answers will have 1 point deducted (non-answer is incorrect). The family with the most points at the end of the contest will be declared the winner.

***Must be present during final all session/program close 10:45-12PM on Sunday, March 24 in order to win. Lost passports will not be replaced. Any illegible passport will be disqualified.

***A note about prizes: Prize value will not exceed $250. Beyond selecting the type of prize (i.e. Broncos tickets OR DCPA tickets), winners will not have the discretion to determine specifics relative to ticket dates and featured attractions and hence there is no promise or expectation that such requests will be honored. The Chapter will do its best to listen to specific wishes of winners and to settle on a solution that is in alignment with these wishes, but at the end of the day the Chapter is the sole determiner and final arbiter of prizes and your participation in this game recognizes the Chapter’s ultimate authority.

A note about game etiquette: This game is designed to bring some fun and interaction to the conference that rewards participants for valuable educational experiences. While a grand prize will be awarded at the end, the main objective is to stimulate learning and have fun. This game is developed and managed by amateurs and does not represent itself as an ironclad process with a flawless delivery. We are human and doing the best we can to promote fun and we appreciate your grace and consideration on this. Under no circumstances will the organizers and managers of this game accept threatening or belittling communication from any participants and such negative behavior will be automatically subject to disqualification. If you don’t like the premise of the game, the point system or any of the rules we respectfully request your keep these opinions to yourself. This game is built on the premise of fair competition and integrity and any allegations of favoritism will not be tolerated. Similarly, any attempt to flagrantly cheat this game, submit fraudulent information, or disparage other participants for the purpose of personal gain will result in immediate dismissal.

A note about bad breaks: Bad breaks are a part of life and are ever present even in professional contests ranging from the Super Bowl to poker playing. By no fault of your own, you may be subject to a bad break: an exhibitor had to step away from their booth when you planned to talk with them, the best dancer in your family has an ankle bleed and can’t participate, or any number of missteps. This game is designed to provide a diverse spectrum of chances to earn points, and generally if you attend all the sessions, have meaningful interactions, and send someone up to dance, you stand a very real chance at winning – it’s that simple. The best advice we can give here is to take an active role in making sure your passport is stamped – that is exclusively YOUR responsibility. Although we will have dedicated personnel to do the job of passport stamping and session proctoring, if 100 people rush the door on the way out of the all-conference session, it is not possible to pick out individual families in this mass; take your time and ensure you are stamped. Remember, quality interactions will get you everywhere in this game; hasty and rude interactions will set you back.

A note about change: Change is a constant in life. Although the conference schedule has been meticulously developed, life happens – people get sick, travel gets disrupted, and things get lost in the shuffle. We have outlined a point system above but it is always a possibility a presenter can’t make a session, in which case it will be communicated with everyone with as much advance notice as possible. Some of the more fluid activities like the Science Fair or the PT motion lab could have to shut down operations due to staffing before you have a chance to participate (see bad breaks above) and you will not be provided new opportunities. The structure of the game is in place – be your marvelous self and show up with positivity and energy, and to minimize negative variables, interact as much and as early as you can. Follow this path and you will be on the right road.

A note about voluntary participation: Your participation is optional and voluntary and in no way required for conference attendance. Participation means you agree to be governed by these rules as intended and interpreted by the game manager, not alternate interpretations. By doing so, you agree to release the chapter of any liability pertaining to this amateur game for any physical or emotional distress you incur as a result of your voluntary participation.

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STE 200
Aurora, CO 80045

© National Bleeding Disorders Foundation 2024

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